Cannabis oil is surely the latest business trend if 2017 is anything to go by. A market research report showed that $5.86 billion worth of medical cannabis was sold in the USA! More states have made medical cannabis legal, and recreational cannabis is also making a comeback as a legal substance. This amount could rise as new customers try medical cannabis oil and maybe some recreational cannabis for fun. There does seem to be a movement away from taking opiates for pain and trying alternative therapies. There is a known opiate epidemic in the USA, which is killing thousands of sick people. These pharmaceuticals have terrible side effects, and people start to depend on them, becoming addicted and therefore abusing them.

Is Cannabis Oil the Latest Business Trend?

People are also moving away from alcohol and trying recreational cannabis instead. Surveys are already revealing that beer sales are less in states where medical cannabis is legal. Young people are not into opiates or alcohol but want to try cannabis oil and other cannabis products. Cannabis oil has no side effects and cannot be abused. It is entirely natural and has the power to change people’s lives for the better – even those living with cancer, depression, arthritis and even Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases.

Cannabis Oil is Safe thus Trendy.

This opens doors for cannabis oil to be the latest business trend. Especially since it is the safest “drug” when compared to alcohol, pills and cigarettes. The healthcare business looks set to boom with the legalisation of medical cannabis in more countries worldwide. Some medical cannabis dispensaries are battling to keep up with customers’ needs while more doctors are registering with the medical cannabis programmes offered in some USA states. As medical cannabis oil becomes the latest business trend, the pharmaceutical industry loses more influence and more money. The use of cannabinoids in health care is big business, and increasing anecdotal evidence boosts this fact. So what is the big business doing to keep up with the cannabis oil trends?

Education About Cannabis Oil is Vital

Cannabis education is vital for entrepreneurs wanting to join the cannabis market as growers, manufacturers of cannabis products, dispensary owners, distributors and funders. And consumers need to understand what they are letting themselves in for when they choose cannabis oil above other therapies. They can do tours, learn about medical and recreational cannabis, their effects and strains, and how to consume cannabis oil. They learn about the differences between different cannabinoids: cannabidiol (CBD) is a health therapy with no side effects, and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a cannabinoid that makes the user high, so it is a popular recreational substance. Both CBD and THC can heal many conditions and, if used together, make a powerful alternative medication.

Cannabis is Already Making Millions in Revenue

Cannabis oil is the latest business trend and will grow as revenues grow – the sale of CBD products hit $170 million in 2016. As more people want to try medical cannabis and recreational cannabis, regulations have to adapt. So in some states, the serving size for fresh cannabis is restricted for first-time users to protect them from what could be an uncomfortable experience – especially if there is too much THC in that particular strain. As more states in the USA legalise cannabis, so too is Canada jumping on the cannabis bandwagon. Some people say Canada could run out of cannabis, then where the big business would be? And if their revenue reaches an estimated $4.5 billion in four years, this could be the latest health trend for sure.

If you think cannabis oil is the latest trend, let us know why you think this. We think it is, and we think companies should invest wisely and learn more about this important alternative medical therapy.